Friday, 10 November 2017

World Keratoconus Day!

It's that time of year again, November 10th - World Keratoconus Day!

I'm continuing with my support in raising awareness by announcing that since 2014, we've raised a total £22,500 and by end of this year we could reach up to a total of £35,000.

This year fundraising has not only just come from Barbican Insurance but also Aon UK Ltd. Aon is hosting a fundraising event called the Aon London Market Lunch and the guest speaker has the opportunity to select a charity to support each year. The guest speaker is a colleague of mine from Barbican and has kindly selected the Keratoconus Self Help and Support Group! This event is taking place on Friday 24th November and they usually have between 250 and 300 attendees.

The fundraising will continue to help towards the research that's currently going ahead at Moorefield's Eye Hospital.

I will also be hosting a charity Mecca Bingo night with my close friends and family next week to raise awareness!

On a day as important as today it would be amazing to see more donations. Please click on the link below to donate:

Thanks again to everyone who have donated so far and especially to Barbican Insurance for all of their support.

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