I had my yearly check-up at Moorfield's Eye Hospital last week and received the amazing news that my scans were identical to last years! I no longer require a yearly check-up at Moorfield's, unless the opticians notice a sudden change in my eye sight.
I want to thank the ophthalmologist at Specsavers who caught the condition at such an early stage back in 2013! A lot of people I've been in contact with who suffer with KC had been misdiagnosed at their opticians. KC can take control of your life and I feel very lucky that the progression of KC in my eyes has completely stabilised.
Since 2013, I've raised an incredible $31,000. Thanks again to Barbican Insurance, my friends and family for continuing their support. In addition to that I would like to massively thank Aon Insurance for raising nearly £10,000 at their annual Aon Market Lunch in November!!
Reaching just over £40,000 in 4 years is such an achievement! In 2012, the Keratoconus Group only raised around £1,000. Now with the extra support they're able to support those who suffer and help towards the research at Moorfield's.